Million Dollar Hair. Someone scooped up THAT domain a while back, but that doesn't mean they offer million dollar hair at all. In fact, I don't believe they have anything to do with hair.
So...What is MILLION DOLLAR HAIR? Million Dollar Hair is YOUR perception.
To me, Million Dollar Hair moves, it's rich, it's yummy to the touch and is simply gorgeous. It's sexy, sophisticated, and flattering beyond belief. It could be natural or not. Anyway you wear it, if you feel like a million bucks it 's Million Dollar Hair! It's a HUGE part of the entire package, and it makes you feel like a million bucks!
For myself as much as for my clients, I expect hair that looks like nothing less than awesome. What do I give my clients? I give my clients what I hope they perceive as Million Dollar Hair, the same as I expect for myself.
So if your hair helps make you feel like a million bucks, you've got Million Dollar Hair!
The Hair Extension Expert