Does anybody else feel like too much hair is just TOO much hair at this time of year? When the temperature rises I reduce the amount of hair I personally wear, but maintain enough to have the usual sex appeal. Still need to have enough to pull back and up in a ponytail, but that ponytail has got to still be fresh and 'swingy'. And there is nothing like diving into the water and having that mermaid-hair feeling, even if it IS braided down the back!
When swimming, surfing, water skiing, biking...or whatever your sport of choice might be...be sure to pull back and braid your hair after using a leave in conditioner. DON'T FORGET THE CONDITIONER!! If you are really active in the water it doesn't hurt to use a heavier conditioner without rinsing before you braid it. Of course, nothing is as protective for your hair as wearing a swim cap, but I know that's like really pulling a rabbit out of hat to get anyone to do that! If you are the rare one that doesn't mind wearing a cap, still use conditioner applying it more thoroughly on the ends than closer to the scalp. Too close to the scalp and the connecting point of the extensions can cause the extensions to loosen and slip.
If you feel you can't reduce the amount of hair you usually wear at this time of year, you still can reduce the heat just by being creative with your daily styling routine. Play with it and try clipping part of it up and out of the way on top of your head with a few little sexy strands 'naturally' (tehehehehe!) flowing out, or try wearing hair bands for a change. There are lots of fun sexy things you can do with it if you try.
If you are taking a sweet tropical vacation and want to be stress free about your sexy hair, just remember to take really good care of it. The reason you are taking a vacation is to relax and enjoy, be sexy and love life, NOT to stress over your hair.
Have a great one!
The Hair Extension Expert