Sunday, July 6, 2008

It's To Your Benefit !

Consultations are necessary before making a decision about hair extensions. It is important to know first off if you are a candidate for hair extensions. (It breaks my heart when I have to tell someone that their hair won't support extensions but the truth is that not everyone is a candidate...but that's an entirely different topic for later...)

You also need to meet the stylist and become assured that they are an experienced extensionist and not just a good salesman...or woman! I strongly suggest selecting someone that is also a licensed stylist and not someone simply versed in hair extensions. Top companies, such as DreamCatchers, Great Lengths, Cinderella Hair, Shrink Links, etc. will only work with and train licensed stylists for a couple of reasons, number one being that a licensed stylist has been educated to know hair and secondly to preserve the integrity of our industry. But that is NOT to say that everyone who is an extensionist must be a licensed stylist and is not good at what they do.

During your consultation ask to see hair samples, before and after photos, establish the total cost of the complete service and any additional services you may require. Find out about home maintenance, what products to use, and frequency of salon maintenance. Take this time to ask all the questions you have, and listen to everything the stylist needs to share and explain. Use your consultation time wisely, because it is just as much for your benefit as for your new stylist to gather necessary information!

When selecting the color of hair to be applied take a good look at samples in a natural lighted area. Better yet, go outside with a hand-held mirror and the color ring and let the stylist hold up sample variations to your own hair to make certain in natural daylight.

Be prepared to make a deposit to reserve your service, your date, and to secure your order. Usually the deposit is 50% of the total extension service cost. Normally your deposit is non-refundable so be sure of yourself before you commit. But speaking from personal experience, hair extensions are a commitment well worth having!

Have a great one!

The Hair Extension Expert