Monday, June 23, 2008

Don't Blow The Image!

As I was waiting in line at the post office the other day I couldn't help but notice the terrible extensions being sported by a very attractive and saucy young lady. She had everything going for her in the looks department, and was dressed in designer wear from head to her perfectly French-pedicured Jimmy Choo's-adorned toes, swinging her LV handbag from her young diamond-decorated wrist for the rest of the PO patrons to...perhaps be impressed by? Exquisite skin, perfect little trim figure, a charming smile and a confident sparkling voice. So what happened to her hair ? ! ? ! ? !

As adorable as she was I could not take my eyes off of her ratty looking hair! All her positive attributes aside, I could not tear my eyes away from her bizarre stringy hair that simply did not go with the rest of the program and belied her attempt at appearing as a perfectly put together well-to-do young lady. To my eye they were obviously individual hair extensions, and quite horrific ones at that. For the layman it may have appeared she was having a VERY bad hair day or that she had just managed to neglect that part of her personal maintenance that particular day. For myself, knowing hair and clients, as well put together as she appeared to be this was an area that she had not devoted enough thought or time...or budget! To myself it was apparent that she was not having quality hair applied and that she was not keeping up on her hair extension maintenance regime as is absolutely mandatory. The amount of hair applied was minimum so that the blend between her natural hair and the extensions was obvious to me, not to mention the texture did not blend and the colors were completely off. The amount of hair that was applied in an effort to give her length and volume pathetically left gaps between each drab limp frizzy strand. The quality was so poor a bird would not have even used it for a nest, and there was more natural swing going on with her LV handbag than with the straw dangling from her head!

Poor thing. I was SO tempted to give her my card, but then I certainly did not want to offend or embarrass her in public. After all, she had put a tremendous amount of effort into portraying the image of being a very well put together woman. And had almost succeeded!

As I was walking out of the PO I noticed her standing next to her shiny little black BMW getting her keys out, with one of her straw strands limply hanging on, a few inches lower down the middle of her back than the rest. At this point I took the opportunity to stop and politely flatter her overall appearance and interject an introduction, tell her who I am and what I do..."and by the way, would you be offended if I told you that you have an extension that is falling out as we speak?" She blushed profusely, but hey, it's not as if it were simply her collar tag sticking out! She stammered and thanked me and said she would be visiting my website and scheduling an appointment with me, but we shall see...

Have a great one!

The Hair Extension Expert